A much revered leader in the world of inbound marketing is now introducing a ‘marketplace’ where ‘content’ can be bought wholesale.
Excuse me, but I detect a serious disconnect here. Is it me or should those folk get back to basics before they make a big mistake?
The whole point, the separation of the wheat from chaff, the line drawn between mortals and gods, is in the production of content, when it comes to matters of the internet. At least, that’s what I understood. The liberation of the internet is that it lets our own special voice ring out. But now we’re being encouraged to find and use canned content?
The most exciting aspect of our brave new digitally-connected world is that it vastly facilitates self-expression. But the sad fact is that most business owners and managers can’t wrap their minds around the idea of being continuously expressive. When it comes right down to producing content every week, they grind to a sheepish halt.
But the internet demands our participation, like it or not. We have to make it work for us or lose out to the wave. It’s all in our approach, of course. If we’re having trouble coming up with fresh content all the time, we can:
- give up in disgust,
- buy canned content, or
- find someone to produce content for us.
If you’re a real grownup, giving up is not an option.
If you’re in business to pull one over on people, it’s okay to buy canned content.
But if you care about your customers and you’re in business to help them, you really should find someone to write for you.
You know that content is king. No one ever denies that. So you really can’t honestly succeed with generic content; not anymore than elevator music can compare to a live orchestra. If you want to be meaningfully convincing, you have to find a way to share your authentic self, your personal voice on a regular basis.
How can you do this? Write, dictate notes, take pictures, have a phone conversation, make videos, keep a running list, make a plan …
There very likely already exists within your current daily regime a way to keep a record or make an occasional comment or post the miscellaneous pic. A writer can help identify methods that will work for you, that will make it easy and natural to produce content while avoiding the all-too-obvious stamp of canned goods.
So it depends on your goals, I suppose. But please consider, when wondering what to do about the constant demand for content, that a little assistance from a flesh-and-blood professional content creator could be all you need to succeed.